Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I'm HERE!!!!!!

I decided to give my mom a break and show up early rather than later. On May 9th, at 11:09pm I finally decide to grace the world with my presence. It a whole day, and then some, for me to make my appearance (I'm just getting my parents used to the idea of having a stubborn child.) The truth is, I wanted mom and dad to finish watching the twins game on the TV.. cause as soon as the twins won, in the 9th inning, the nurse came in and said, "Okay, lets see if we can have this baby tonight." and sure enough, I was ready to go. It didn't take long after that! Here are my stats:

Eleanor Jane
May 9, 2008
11:09 pm
7 pounds, 4 ounces
19 inches

As Mom and Dad were leaving for the hospital, my big brother William was saying he didn't want a sister, just another brother. But I know he wasn't disappointed. The next morning when he woke up and Dad told him he had a little sister he said "Oh I like having a sister around, now we don't need Henry around" Needless to say, Henry is still around. When he saw me for the first time he said "Baby.... Cute!" and always tries to poke my eyes and nose and give me kisses on the head. They are both great big brothers.

1 comment:

Ellie said...

That's really weird, I'm an Eleanor Jane too, and I have an older brother called William. Only i'm 15 now...