Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hangin' Out...

yeah, I know it's been quite a while since Mom last updated my blog for me... she keeps saying she has been a bit busy... (with what I couldn't tell ya)! Dad and Mom went to Iowa last weekend... they left my two big brothers with Grandma and Grandpa Rolf, and just too me with them. We all had a good time... Mom even went bowling with me. Dad beat her though.... first time in a LONG time she lost to him... or so I hear.

Mom went to the doctor yesterday and all is going according to plan... so far at least. I'm just hangin' out waiting to make my appearance! It's just over a month till May 25th now!

My big brother William is very excited for me to arrive. He hasn't quite decided if I'm a boy or a girl yet.... for a while there he was going to call me "George" no matter if I was a boy or a girl, but now he has decided to just call me either "Brother" or "Sister"... I guess I don't get a real name.

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