Monday, November 26, 2007

14 weeks, 1 day

Mom went to the doc today. She brought my big brothers with her. They got to hear my heart beat. William thought it was pretty cool.... Henry just liked to climb on everything in the room. The doc asked William if he thought that my heartbeat sounded like I was a little sister or a little brother. And he said I sounded like a little brother.... hmm... we'll have to wait and see if he is right or not!!

My first photograph.... at 10 weeks!

Mom's doc wanted her to have an ultrasound to confirm my due date... so this is a pic of me at about 10 weeks. Don't you think I look like my dad? I'll have another picture taken when I'm 20 weeks... so stay tuned!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Third times the charm!!!!

Hello everyone! It's me.. baby number 3! I couldn't be out done by the rest of the Rolf crew, so I needed to start my own blog! Mom and Dad are really excited about my expected arrival on May 25, 2008.... Henry had learned how to say baby on my behalf and William... well.... most days William says he doesn't want another baby around here unless it's a big baby... like Henry. Well I got news for your William, I'm pretty small, not nearly as big as you and Henry, but I'll get there, just you wait and see!!!